Show Dates for 2022

Show Dates for 2022

The Events page has been updated on 20 January with the latest dates for DPS Shows and for Affiliated and Associated shows where it has been possible to confirm dates.

If you are aware of any dates for shows where there are Dales classes, especially for Affiliated shows or those in the Stallion Premium Scheme, in and around Durham, Yorkshire and Cumbria, please could you email the Society using the email address.

2022 Membership Renewals

2022 Membership Renewals

Just a short thank you for those existing members who continue to support the Society, especially those members who already have standing orders for their subscriptions as these make it easier for us to keep our records up to date.

As you know, we now use Dales Pony Services to look after new memberships and renewals. Memberships are due on 1st January. A number of you pay by standing order at different times of the year and it would help us greatly if you could change these to 1st January.

If you are a member and would like to set up a standing order, then please see the Membership page on the website, where there is a link to a Standing Order Mandate Form.

We are trying to reduce costs by using email as much as possible and would again appreciate it if you could give us your email address if you haven’t already done so.  If we don’t have your email address it may result in a delay getting information to you.

Equine Passports – a Reminder of Owner Responsibilities

Equine Passports – Reminders of Owner Responsibilities


On receipt of the passport from the issuing organisation, the owner should check that all the details are correct and sign the passport as the original owner.  If any of the details are incorrect, the passport should be sent back to the original issuing organisation.

Transfer of Ownership

It is a legal requirement for a new owner to update the ownership details on the passport within 30 days of purchasing the equine. Failure to do so is an offence.

Simply writing the new owner’s details into the passport does not constitute a legal change of ownership. The passport must be returned to the original issuer who will update both their database, and the passport itself.

Mask Wearing at the Festival and Spring Show

Mask Wearing at the Festival and Spring Show

Just a reminder of the mask wearing guidelines at the show on Saturday 26 June.

At Richmond EC, the Covid restrictions remain the same as government guidelines. When indoors, masks have to be worn especially in the café areas. Social distancing is required at all times.

In addition, for the HOYS Qualifier, class 6:
• Competitors must wear a face covering at all times when not mounted in the ring
• Grooms must not enter the ring until their exhibit has been ridden
• Grooms must wear a face covering at all times when in the ring

Exemptions will apply to riders and grooms under 18 plus any others with dispensation.

Ponies will only be stripped in class 6.

Face masks will not be required in in-hand classes and feet will not be picked up by the judge.

Dales Pony Festival Update

Dales Pony Festival and Spring Show Update

After the Government announcement on Monday 14 June 2021 of the continuance of the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, spectators will not be admitted to the show on Saturday 26 June. Only those people who have already registered with DPS Track and Trace will be allowed on the showground.

DPS Festival – Numbers in Classes and Update

DPS Festival and Spring Show – Numbers in Classes and Update

Numbers in the classes are attached here.

Please be aware that the situation with respect to Covid-19 is still under review. Information will be posted on the website after the Government announcement on Monday 14 June.