DPS Calendar 2020

This year Amy Smith has organised the Dales Pony Society Calendar for 2020.  It is only £8 plus £2 p&p.

Please text Amy on 07966 537 760 with your Name, Address and the way you wish to pay or you could pm on Facebook.



Update on the Grassgill and Bleathgill Stud Visit

Grassgill and Bleathgill Stud Visit update

Please could everyone be vigilant regarding bio security.  The organisers would  ask visitors wear clothes that haven’t been around other horses or ponies, together with clean footwear.

There will also be an informal stock judging competition.

For more details please see the Events page.

Changes to Shows and Events page

Changes to Shows and Events page

Provisional 2020 dates for DPS organised, Affiliated and Unaffiliated shows have been added to the lists of shows.  Also, shows that contribute to the Stallion Premium Scheme have been identified.

A Grand Stand at HOYS

A Grand Stand at HOYS

If you were at the Horse of the Year Show this year then you may have been lucky enough to see the Dales Pony Society stand in the exhibition hall. Sarah Evans was so enthusiastic about taking up the offer of having a stand at the show to promote the Dales Pony, that she not only attended the show for the whole week, she also organised and prepared just about everything that made it a success.

Sarah was ably assisted by her mum, Kim, during the preparations and for the week at the NEC. As well as this, Sarah put together a rota of volunteers to help her with looking after the stand and talking to visitors. Special thanks to: Jess Blowers; Matt Mason; Rodger and Janet James; and Lindsay and Jess Knight, for covering the stand. Anna and Julie Pennell (Dales Pony breeder of the year), provided refreshments throughout the week for Sarah and Kim. Not forgetting Bandit who was on best behaviour all week.

Well done all those that showed their ponies in the Dales Class and congratulations to Lucy Jones and Nipna Flaming Katy who did so well as the only Dales pony in the Juniors Class.

Over a thousand leaflets, flyers, pens and sweets were handed out and hundreds of visitors discussed the Dales ponies with members and helpers on the stand.

Well done!