UK Native Pony Wildness Survey 2019

If you are interested in taking part in a survey about the wildness of UK Native Ponies, please read the attached document here and contact David Murray for any further details.

The Survey is taking place from March through August 2019. The Questionnaire is attached here and also on the internet at The website email address to return questionnaires is also on the website. This is:

Forgotten Horses Photographic Project

We have recently been contacted by Cécile Zahorka, a freelance photographer from Germany. There follows an extract from her email:

“In the past year I have been working on a project called “Forgotten Horses”, where I photograph and document rare and endangered horse breeds. We have a similar society to the RBST in Germany regarding animal breeds with endangered populations and I have been working together with breeders and owners. I have planned to make a journey to UK for this project, with the mission to find and document native British breeds, such as the Dales Pony.

I’m looking for passionates, breeders, owners this breed, which I could contact and visit during my journey.

It is my aim to portrait the breed in its traditional context and in typical landscapes, in front of barns or whatever the surroundings offer and fit to the horse, to make high quality pictures for all media and raise awareness to the matter.

I would be very happy if you would be interested in having a session with me.

I have set up a small site with all details to my journey and project:

I would love to give the Dales Pony a platform and raise awareness to its vulnerable status.

and you can see my work on or on

Help and Support is very appreciated.

With kind regards from Germany

Cécile Zahorka

(WhatsApp on +49 163 2881115)”

If you are interested, details of how to book a session are on the website above, which covers her journey.

Your Society Needs You!

Your Society Needs You!

It is the time of year that we would like you, as a member of the Dales Pony Society, to think about whether you can help in the successful running of the Society by standing for election to Council. The Society needs people with a range of skills and experience to ensure that it continues to provide services and events that its members want and also to over-see its efficient running. These skills may be, for example, in business management, administration, finance or legislation.
As a Council member you will need to have a strong commitment to the Society’s aims and objectives, and have the necessary time to give to the Society. You will be expected to attend six to eight Council meetings a year, held in Barnard Castle. During the summer months Council meetings are held in the evening and during the winter months during the day at a weekend. You will also be expected to help at Society events, such as stewarding at a show or helping set up the room for the AGM.
As a Council member you will also be a Director of a Company Limited by Guarantee, and a Trustee of a Registered Charity. To be eligible you must not have been disqualified as a Director of any other company, have an unexpired criminal record, or be a declared bankrupt.
If you feel that you or another member can make a positive contribution to the Society, please find two members to nominate you or nominate a member yourself, with their agreement. Nomination forms will be sent out with the Summer Show schedule. Once you have decided to stand for election, you will need to prepare a personal statement explaining why you believe you will be an asset to the Society as a Council member. Your personal statement, along with those of other people standing for election, will be sent out to the membership with voting forms, with the result of the ballot being announced at the AGM on 16 November.
If you would like to know more about how the Council works and its member’s responsibilities then please get in touch with Anne Alderson, Chair of Council.

Rare Breed Horse Genealogy Research

The Rare Breeds Survival Trust has been contacted by Lucy Allen, a Research student at the Royal Agricultural University, who is looking for hair samples and pedigree information from males of native UK Equines breeds as part of a wider study on the spread of horses in Europe – please see flyer attached here.

If you wish to help, please  contact Lucy direct on 07901774538 or

NPS Scotland Summer Show

NPS Scotland Summer Show – Sat 8th June 2019

Strathallan Castle, Auchterarder PH3 1JZ

This year the NPS Scotland Summer show is returning to their old home of 15 years after a 3 year gap. 


The Secretary writes.

The grounds of the castle are looking fantastic, we have totally revised the timetable and schedule and are hopefully looking forward to a good turnout.

We offer in hand championships for all the native breeds and lovely trophies for each of the NPS Scotland Summer Show Breed Champions.  There are Mountain & Moorland ridden and working hunter classes for everyone and dressage for those who wish to take part.

Please help us support the show.  Non members are most welcome. 

Schedule and entry details are on the website at and any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.