Application for Passports

For new passports, see the Registration of Foals page.

Late Passports

Passports may still be acquired for older ponies, providing they are eligible for registration in the Dales Pony Society stud book and there is no existing passport for the animal. Applications should be made to the DPS Secretary.

Before the passport is issued to the owner, the Society will sign Part II of Section II  to permanently exclude the horse from the human food chain.

Duplicate Passports

If the passport is lost, a duplicate may be requested from the Secretary using the Duplicate Passport Request Duplicate Passport form.

On receipt of appropriate fees and checks, a duplicate passport may be issued, in which Part II of Section II  will have been signed by the Society, to permanently exclude the animal from the human food chain. The duplicate passport will be stamped as a duplicate, and should the original passport ever be found, it must be returned to the Society immediately.

Transfers of Ownership

New owners should transfer their pony within 30 days of purchase.

For transferring details and forms see Transfer of Ownership

Return of the Passport

In the event of the death of a Dales pony, the passport must be returned to the Society for cancellation within 30 days of the death. Owners may request the return of a passport following cancellation provided a SAE is enclosed. 

Castration of Colts

A passport should also be returned to the Secretary for updating on castration of a colt. 

Passport Legislation and Owner Responsibilities

For more information about passport legislation and responsibilities, please see the Horse Passports Legislation and Procedures page.