Urgent from Defra – Equine movements on or around 1 January 2021

Urgent from Defra – Equine movements on or around 1 January 2021

“In the interest of protecting animal welfare, and with the possibility of traffic disruption in Kent after 1st January 2021, Defra would strongly advise equine transporters to consider using vehicles with a combined weight of less than 7.5 tonnes, enabling them to proceed to the Short Straits using the Operation Brock contraflow between J8-9 of the M20.

If you are transporting equines in a vehicle with a combined weight above 7.5 tonnes and there is traffic disruption in Kent, Defra strongly advises against travel and if you do choose to travel you plan your journey carefully, in anticipation of the possibility of delays. These vehicles will not be prioritised to use the Operation Brock contraflow. The animal welfare of equines in transit should be a priority for all equine movements. Make sure that you have the correct authorisations and certifications to transport live animals, find out more here

Horserace Betting Levy Board Publishes International Codes of Practice for 2021

Horserace Betting Levy Board Publishes International Codes of Practice for 2021

The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) has published the 43rd edition of the Codes of Practice on equine disease, in preparation for the 2021 equine breeding season. These are available online only at codes.hblb.org.uk.  

For more details please see the Policies and Procedures page.

Pony Wanted on Loan for London Based Rare Breeds Project

Pony Wanted on Loan for London Based Rare Breeds Project

Mudchute Park and Farm is a prestigious  Community Farm, Conservation Centre and Equestrian Centre in East London. They would like to build up a riding school of rare breed and native horses and ponies and are looking for a Dales Pony suitable for riding school work on loan to represent the breed. Further information can be found in the attached document and on their website  www.mudchute.org.

If you have a pony you think might be suitable, please contact Tom Davis at Mudchute, email stables_manager@mudchute.org

New Microchip Laws for Ponies Foaled Before 2009

New Microchip Laws for Ponies Foaled Before 2009

From 2009 all foals registered had an implanted microchip, new laws in England (from 01/10/20), Wales (from 12/02/21) and Scotland (from 28/03/21) now require all older horses to be microchipped and passports to be updated. 

Please arrange with your Veterinary Surgeon to implant a microchip in any Dales Pony that you own or are the keeper that requires a microchip and ask them to complete the Microchip Update form attached here. All completed forms need to be sent to the Registration Secretary at the address given on the form.

National Survey of UK Equine Wildness

National Survey of UK Equine Wildness

David Murray is conducting a national survey of UK Equine Wildness. All UK Native Pony Societies and Associations have been contacted.

If you would like more details then please read the attached letter and to take part, the survey questionnaire is attached here in Word or .pdf format.

AGM Voting

AGM Voting

Thank you to all the members who returned the voting forms. For the record, 53 valid voting papers were received, with no spoilt papers, meeting the required quorum of 30. Voting was as follows:

Resolution 1 – Adopt the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting as a true and accurate record

For 50, Against 0, Abstain 3

Resolution carried.

Resolution 2 – Adopt the accounts of financial year ending 31 August 2020

For 53, Against 0, Abstain 0

Resolution carried.

Resolution 3 – That the Council should appoint the Reporting Accountant and at a remuneration to be fixed by the Council

For 52, Against 0, Abstain 1

Resolution carried.

There were no questions, comments or clarifications raised, so this concludes the formal business of the AGM for 2020.

Dales Pony Society 2020 AGM

Dales Pony Society 2020 AGM

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and associated restrictions, the Society has considered how to proceed with the Annual General Meeting which clearly cannot go ahead in its usual format. In accordance with Company law, the Society is required to hold an AGM, but this does not need to be on a face to face basis as long as Members are given the opportunity to be presented with the various reporting documents, ask questions and vote on necessary resolutions. In the interests of ensuring members safety, limiting travel and abiding by local lockdown requirements the decision has been made to hold the 2020 AGM by post. The AGM meeting which was to be held in Barnard Castle on Saturday 14th November is therefore cancelled.

AGM documents and a Resolution Voting Form will be sent out with the Autumn Dales Despatch in the next few days. The Voting Form should be returned to the General Secretary no later than 5pm on 14th November 2020. Email scans or photos of the Voting Form are acceptable as well as by post, but the form must be signed to be valid.

Questions, comments or clarification required about any of the documents, or any other business to be considered by Council should be submitted to the General Secretary and clearly marked AGM, either by post or by email. A special page has been created on the DPS website for this (available from Quick Links) and all questions, comments and clarifications will be uploaded to it with a response from Council if appropriate. Please note that this page will be available to both DPS members and the general public and will close on 14th November at 5pm.

Jill Graham
General Secretary

Council uses Video Conferencing

Council uses Video Conferencing

Since the restrictions were put in place due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Council has been using email and normal postal services for conducting its business since March of this year. Although this has worked reasonably well the missing element was the immediate interaction you get by running a live meeting.
On the evening of 8th October, the Council had its first virtual meeting using Zoom. All participants agreed that it was very successful and the benefits of having no travel and without a meeting room with its associated restrictions were quickly recognized. It is now planned to have the next meeting at the beginning of November as a virtual meeting.