
The main services are provided in order to maintain the Dales Pony Society Stud Book and keep a record of the Members of the Society.  Many of the services require a form to be completed and the majority of forms can be downloaded from the website (see also Just Forms page on the Services sub-menu).

Forms are also available from the Honorary Secretary and can be obtained either at the Spring or Summer Shows or by post.  Some of the services are available for non-members, but are subject to different charges.

The current charges for all services is available on the Fees and Tariffs page.

Equine Passports

The Society is a registered Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO), number 826020. The current process for applying for a passport is described on the Registration of Foals page. Please be aware that the Society is responsible for reporting on breaches of the regulations. If you would like further detail on the breaches then please contact the Secretary at

Foal Registrations

To be eligible for registration, ponies must have three generations of recorded breeding and are subject to the Rules of Registration which can be found on the Registration of Foals page. To register a foal, the breeder needs to send a completed Registration Form and the appropriate fee.  Please note that the Secretary needs to receive the request before the end of November in the year of the birth of the foal. There is a separate Late Filing Fee † for requests received between the 1st and 31st December of the year of birth.

There is one form for Pure Bred Ponies and another for Part Bred ponies with 25% proven Dales breeding, calculated from either sire or dam.   Each foal needs to be uniquely identified by use of an approved micro-chip.  Micro-chipping is performed by the vet who does this at the time of completing the drawing for the passport. Once a foal is registered, a Dales Pony Society Passport can be issued and this will be sent to the owner. The Passport is legal document and should be kept in a safe place.  Should the Passport be lost, the Society can produce a duplicate Passport, but as this has to be created from the Society's records, it is subject to a fee.

Late Foal Registrations

Registering a foal after the year of birth contravenes the passport issuing regulations and the Society is required to inform the relevant authorities. It also incurs additional costs for DNA parent checking which is included in the fee *. Foals registered after the end of the year of birth will be signed out of the human food chain as indicated in the passport when issued.

New Microchip Laws for Ponies Foaled Before 2009

From 2009 all foals registered had an implanted microchip, new laws in England (from 01/10/20), Wales (from 12/02/21) and Scotland (from 28/03/21) now require all older horses to be microchipped and passports to be updated. 

Please arrange with your Veterinary Surgeon to implant a microchip in any Dales Pony that you own or are the keeper that requires a microchip and ask them to complete the Microchip Update form attached here. All completed forms need to be sent to the Registration Secretary at the address given on the form.

Transfer of Ownership

When a pony is transferred to a new owner, the Passport (or Registration Card) and a transfer fee need to be sent to the Secretary.  Once the details have been checked, the Passport is returned to the new owner.

For full details, please see the Transfer of Ownership page.

Deceased Ponies

Under horse passport legislation, it is a requirement that passports are returned to the Society for cancellation. The invalidated passports will be retained by the Society. If so desired, the owner can request the return of the invalidated passport, provided a stamped, addressed envelope is provided.

Please check the Passports page to ensure that you have covered the legal requirements on the event of death of any equine.

Stallion Licenses

Where a pony is eligible to be licensed as a stallion, the owner is required to send the Society a Stallion Licence Application and the appropriate fee.  The Council reviews all applications for stallion licences and may request an inspection to take place.  The owner is responsible for making the pony available for inspection at the agreed time and place.  This inspection may take place at one of the Society's shows, subject to the availability of an inspection panel on the day.  All stallions are also required to pass a veterinary inspection and must be FIS tested clear prior to licensing.

Please contact the Secretary for current details of the points system for determining Stallion Premiums.

Stud Prefix Registration

Members may apply to the Society for a Stud Prefix Registration.  Although the register is maintained by the Central Prefix Register in the United Kingdom, it is one of its rules that an application for a prefix for a specific breed must be made to the organisation that maintains the breed stud book.  An application form needs to be completed and accompanied by the appropriate fee.
The application form can be downloaded from, completed and sent to the Registration Secretary with the fee.  The current fee is available on the Fees and Tariffs page.


Centrally the Society runs a Spring and a Summer Breed show, a Dales Pony Festival and a Foal show. Some Areas run their own show or jointly with other breed societies in Surrey and East Anglia.

All shows are run under the Society's Show Rules.


Show Affiliation

In order to promote the Dales Pony, the Society offers an affiliation service to the organisers of events that include show classes for which the Dales Ponies are eligible.  One or more classes may be affiliated and the Society will provide a rosette for each class for which the appropriate fee has been paid.  Show Secretaries may apply for affiliation by initially contacting the Secretary using the Dales Affiliation Form , but once established as an affiliated show, the Society will contact the show each year when the Society's rosettes become available.

You can contact the Show Affiliation Secretary at

Sponsorship of DPS Show Classes

Class sponsors are announced at the beginning and end of the class that they sponsor and your name and abbreviated address will be printed for the class in the catalogue for the show.

If you would like to sponsor a class at the Spring or Summer show, please see the DPS Sponsorship Form for details.


Please see the Membership page.

Annual Stud Books

Registrations and Transfers are published each year in an additional volume to the Stud Book.  New volumes of the Stud Books (and previous year's where available) are only available from the Society.

Articles for Sale

The constitution of the Society allows it to provide small items for sale that are produced specifically for the Society, for example: sweatshirts; T-shirts; polo shirts; car stickers; key fobs; badges; mugs; and books.

Details of some of these items and how they can be purchased can be found in the Newsletters. Although this service is provided for the Members, the Society has these items available at many of its shows and other events where the Society Stand is situated.

DPS official clothing can now be purchased from Tailored for You. Please visit the website at our page.

Dales Pony Traces

The Dales Pony Traces book can be ordered for £13.00 inclusive of p&p by contacting Ian Graham at

Ponies for Sale

The Society maintains a Sales List of Member's ponies that are for sale. Please see the Ponies for Sale page where you can find the latest Sales List and print off a copy. Please contact the Secretary for any queries on the Sales List.

DNA testing for Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome

This service continues to be available through the Society. Please contact the Secretary for sample bags and arranging the test with Animal DNA Diagnostics. The current fee for each test for UK members is available on the Fees and Tariffs page.