2022 Membership Renewals

2022 Membership Renewals

Just a short thank you for those existing members who continue to support the Society, especially those members who already have standing orders for their subscriptions as these make it easier for us to keep our records up to date.

As you know, we now use Dales Pony Services to look after new memberships and renewals. Memberships are due on 1st January. A number of you pay by standing order at different times of the year and it would help us greatly if you could change these to 1st January.

If you are a member and would like to set up a standing order, then please see the Membership page on the website, where there is a link to a Standing Order Mandate Form.

We are trying to reduce costs by using email as much as possible and would again appreciate it if you could give us your email address if you haven’t already done so.  If we don’t have your email address it may result in a delay getting information to you.