Your Society Needs You!

Your Society Needs You!

It is the time of year that we would like you, as a member of the Dales Pony Society, to think about whether you can help in the successful running of the Society by standing for election to Council. The Society needs people with a range of skills and experience to ensure that it continues to provide services and events that its members want and also to over-see its efficient running. These skills may be, for example, in business management, administration, finance or legislation.
As a Council member you will need to have a strong commitment to the Society’s aims and objectives, and have the necessary time to give to the Society. You will be expected to attend six to eight Council meetings a year, held in Barnard Castle. During the summer months Council meetings are held in the evening and during the winter months during the day at a weekend. You will also be expected to help at Society events, such as stewarding at a show or helping set up the room for the AGM.
As a Council member you will also be a Director of a Company Limited by Guarantee, and a Trustee of a Registered Charity. To be eligible you must not have been disqualified as a Director of any other company, have an unexpired criminal record, or be a declared bankrupt.
If you feel that you or another member can make a positive contribution to the Society, please find two members to nominate you or nominate a member yourself, with their agreement. Nomination forms will be sent out with the Summer Show schedule. Once you have decided to stand for election, you will need to prepare a personal statement explaining why you believe you will be an asset to the Society as a Council member. Your personal statement, along with those of other people standing for election, will be sent out to the membership with voting forms, with the result of the ballot being announced at the AGM on 16 November.
If you would like to know more about how the Council works and its member’s responsibilities then please get in touch with Anne Alderson, Chair of Council.

Posted in Society News.