Forgotten Horses Photographic Project

We have recently been contacted by Cécile Zahorka, a freelance photographer from Germany. There follows an extract from her email:

“In the past year I have been working on a project called “Forgotten Horses”, where I photograph and document rare and endangered horse breeds. We have a similar society to the RBST in Germany regarding animal breeds with endangered populations and I have been working together with breeders and owners. I have planned to make a journey to UK for this project, with the mission to find and document native British breeds, such as the Dales Pony.

I’m looking for passionates, breeders, owners this breed, which I could contact and visit during my journey.

It is my aim to portrait the breed in its traditional context and in typical landscapes, in front of barns or whatever the surroundings offer and fit to the horse, to make high quality pictures for all media and raise awareness to the matter.

I would be very happy if you would be interested in having a session with me.

I have set up a small site with all details to my journey and project:

I would love to give the Dales Pony a platform and raise awareness to its vulnerable status.

and you can see my work on or on

Help and Support is very appreciated.

With kind regards from Germany

Cécile Zahorka

(WhatsApp on +49 163 2881115)”

If you are interested, details of how to book a session are on the website above, which covers her journey.

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