The following was accidentally omitted from the recent Dales Despatch members will have received so is included below with apologies to Hilary & Ellen.
Cumbria Fell &Dales Pony Show is to be held on Sunday 2nd June 2019 at Jenkinsons Field at Penrith just off the M6 junction 40. There are three Rings running with In Hand, Ridden and Working Hunter Pony Classes for everyone throughout the day. There are starter walk and trot Classes for those who prefer not to canter and there is starter stakes in the Working Hunter Ring. All three rings have their own Championships with Breed rosettes being awarded. There are NPS Qualifiers on offer in all 3 rings and you do not have to be a Member to qualify. Cumbria Fell & Dales Pony Show has Breed show status so all NPS qualifying ponies from this Show are eligible to take up their qualification at Malvern.
The showfield is kindly loaned to us by the Jenkinson Family and it is a super large Field so the rings are a decent size. A photographer and Catering will be there so you dont need to bring a camera or your lunch if you dont want to!!
The schedule is out very shortly and you can pre enter or enter on the day at extra cost. Schedules will be available on the Breed sites and on
Hope to see you all at Penrith on the Sunday 3rd June!! Hilary &Ellen