AGM Voting
Thank you to all the members who returned the voting forms. For the record, 53 valid voting papers were received, with no spoilt papers, meeting the required quorum of 30. Voting was as follows:
Resolution 1 – Adopt the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting as a true and accurate record
For 50, Against 0, Abstain 3
Resolution carried.
Resolution 2 – Adopt the accounts of financial year ending 31 August 2020
For 53, Against 0, Abstain 0
Resolution carried.
Resolution 3 – That the Council should appoint the Reporting Accountant and at a remuneration to be fixed by the Council
For 52, Against 0, Abstain 1
Resolution carried.
There were no questions, comments or clarifications raised, so this concludes the formal business of the AGM for 2020.